Kilroy Was Here
March 24, 2003
Pledging for Dean
Here's an idea for grass-roots, viral, campaign marketing.

NPR is having their fundraising drive in the near future. (It's next week for KQED in San Francisco). One of the thigns that they do in these pledge drives is ask for groups to volunteer to answer the phone. In return, the anchors plug the group during the pledge drive.

This might be a good grass roots way to get Howard Dean's name out to the demographic most amenable to his message. If at every public radio station doing the pledge drive thanks 'Volunteers for Howard Dean' at each one of those 5 minute breaks, it might get some play.

I've already contacted KQED in San Francisco about it. Maybe other folks should pick up the charge at other radio stations.

(Note: The Volunteer Services guru at KQED mentioned that there might be some FCC recommendaiton against this. I should know more later.)
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